United Way of Allen County believes that part of Living United means giving back to our community.
A tangible way to make a positive change in Allen County is through volunteering. Through our strategic volunteer opportunities portal, you provide more information about you like what your skills are, how much time you have to give, and let us know a few companies that you have an affinity to and we provide you matches with opportunities to serve.
If you have volunteer opportunities you want to post on Volunteer Hub, please contact volunteer@uwacin.org.

Ready to be a hand raiser?
Need help coordinating a volunteer opportunity for your organization?
There are many volunteer opportunities in Allen County. Take your team outside company walls through out-of-office volunteer events. We can work with you to develop volunteer projects that meet the skill set of your team. United Way can coordinate with local nonprofits in the community and provide a hands-on opportunity for your organization. To organize a volunteer event with a nonprofit, it requires a minimum of 6 weeks to plan. If you are interested, please contact Ta Gay Htoo at volunteer@uwacin.org.